Detox to Prevent or Cure Your Hangover

Nobody likes a hangover. You feel tired, sore, cranky, disoriented and sometimes even get the jitters. But why does this happen? It is a combination of several things really: toxin overload coupled with dehydration; and Vitamin A, B and C depletion, caused by the chemical action of alcohol on your system. All alcohol contains toxins. In ....

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Quantum-Eating Detox Diet

The raw food diet has been around for years now and become quite famous because of its celebrity following. Yet now there is a new detox diet called Quantum Eating that adds a new twist to this traditional detox and healthy eating method. Quantum Eating was created by Tonya Zavasta, a mechanical engineer and theoretical mathematician. ....

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Eat-Stop-Eat Diet

Eat-Stop-Eat is a detox diet regime based on feeding and fasting. This diet was created by Brad Pilon, a veteran in the sports supplement industry, in an effort to figure out the best way to lose weight while still being healthy. After much research, Pilon concluded that prolonged calorie restriction is the only proven nutritional ....

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Top 10 Most Common Toxins

Toxins are everywhere around us. There are over 75,000 chemicals that are licensed for use in the US, most of which are suspected or known carcinogens, toxins, hormone disruptors, poisons and contaminates. Below is a list of the 10 most common toxins and where exactly you can find them. 1. Talc While this product is considered safe for ....

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Acai Berry Detox Reviews

Acai Berry Detox reviews can be found all over the internet. Undoubtedly one of the hottest trends this year, the Acai berry is now famous across the United States and even around the world as a powerful detoxification tool with many great antioxidant and other health-related qualities. But like any other health related products, whenever ....

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Raw Food Diet

The Raw Food Diet has had a huge following in recent years. This diet focuses on the consumption of uncooked foods such as fruits, vegetables, beans, nuts and seeds, and is essentially a vegetarian diet. The essential idea behind this detox regime is that cooking food destroys its nutritional value; thus no foods can be heated ....

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Fruit Flush Detox Diet

The Fruit Flush is a 3-day detox diet that was created by nutritionist Jay Robb. According to Robb the specific combination of fruits and other natural products outlined in the diet naturally flush out toxins and their associated access pounds. The foods outlined in the diet have high water content, fiber, and natural plant-based medicines ....

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Liver Cleansing Diet

The Liver Cleansing Diet is a detox regime created by Dr. Sandra Cabot to effectively cleanse the liver. The liver is just one of many essential organs that naturally detox the body. In fact, the liver acts as a filter for removing or breaking down toxins like ammonia, drugs, alcohol, and other chemicals to which we’re ....

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Liquid Diet Detox

Water and juice fasts are popular methods of detoxing. These fasts, as the name suggests, eliminate all solid foods from your diet for a limited time and replace them with fluids. The elimination of food from your system is said to give your body time to focus on ridding the body of toxins while not ....

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10 Best Foods For Detoxification

There are many foods that help to naturally cleanse the colon, enhance circulation and rid the body of accumulated toxins. Here is a list of the top ten staples to include in your detox diet. 1. Water - Consuming at least 2 liters of water daily will help stimulate your kidneys, liver and digestive system. It will ....

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Toxins, Liver Damage, and the Need for Liver Cleansing Treatments

In light of today's advanced technological age, the level of toxins the body ingests on a day-to-day basis runs higher than ever before. While the body, particularly the liver, does a good job at expelling toxins, a certain degree of build-up can be expected over time. Toxins pose a threat at most every point where the ....

How Detox Treatments Can Help Relieve Menopausal Symptoms

Menopause can affect different women in different ways, with some undergoing a smooth transition while others experience extremely uncomfortable symptoms that all but diminish their quality of life. The hormonal changes taking place during menopause can offset any number of bodily systems causing ongoing discomfort and frustration. During this time, any extraneous substances capable of offsetting ....

Why Detoxing Should be Top On Your To-Do List

With the advent of processed foods, fast foods and preservatives, global food supplies have taken on more chemicals than ever before. According to the U. S. National Library of Medicine, the amount of xenobiotics, such as metals and synthetic chemicals, has seen exponential increases over the past century. Human exposures to scores of PBTs, also ....

Daily Habits for Healthy Detox

The human body has an amazing capacity for clearing out the toxins it encounters on a daily basis. According to the University of Hawaii, toxins found in the environment continue to grow in number and mass with each passing year. Likewise, food supplies undergo a series of preparation and processing stages that employ a wide ....



True Facts: Ultimate Maqui Berry Review

The Maqui berry, also known as the Chilean wine berry, has overtaken the Acai berry for Top Health Berry. It contains more antioxidants than the Acai berry, and the Maqui berry is impressing health-conscious people all over the world. Our tester took Ultimate Maqui Berry for 60 days to test the effectiveness of the “new Acai ....

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Pure Colon Detox Reviews

A Revealing Peek into Pure Colon Detox People are finding it tougher and tougher to find a product that will help them to lose weight and keep them motivated to stay on a health path. Pure Colon Detox has quickly become the fastest way to achieve great health. People all over the world are drawn to ....

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Pure Berry Detox Review

A Stunning Peek into the Effects of Pure Berry Detox Pure Berry Detox has quickly become the hottest health supplement on the market right now. People, all over the world, flock to it because of the incredible benefits to their health. For anyone looking to become healthier, remove harmful toxins from their bodies, and lose unwanted, ....

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